Amazing Places to Dive in Bali

Did you know that Bali is home to some of the best dive sites in the world? With its vast oceanic territory, diverse marine life, and stunning coral reefs, Bali offers a scuba diving adventure like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned diver or just starting out, diving in Bali is a destination you don’t want to miss.

From the charming beauty of Nusa Penida to the enchanting underwater world of Nusa Lembongan, Bali has something for every diving enthusiast. Get ready to explore the depths and discover the magic that lies beneath the surface of this tropical paradise.

diving in bali

Key Takeaways:

  • Experience some of the best dive sites in the world in Bali.
  • Discover diverse marine life and diverse coral reefs.
  • Bali offers diving quest for all levels of divers.
  • Explore Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembongan for unforgettable underwater exploration.
  • Ensure responsible diving practices to protect the marine environment.

Diving in Bali’s Underwater Paradise

Bali’s underwater paradise is a haven for divers. The island, situated in the Coral Triangle, is renowned for its incredible marine biodiversity. The warm waters surrounding Bali offer a stunning display of colorful coral reefs and a vast array of marine life, making it a top destination for diving enthusiasts.

Divers exploring Balinese waters can expect to encounter friendly fish, graceful sea turtles, majestic manta rays, and even the elusive mola mola, also known as the oceanic sunfish. These wonderful marine creatures create an impressive voyage for underwater explorers. Bali’s underwater world not only features an abundance of marine life but also boasts excellent visibility and amazing dive sites. This combination allows divers to fully enjoy the beauty of the underwater landscape and discover the wonders of Balinese marine life.

To give you a glimpse of the enchanting underwater world in Bali, take a look at the image below:

Explore the depths of Bali's underwater paradise
Explore the depths of Bali’s underwater paradise

Whether you are a beginner looking for your first diving adventure or professional diver seeking new challenges, Bali offers a multitude of diving venture that cater to all skill levels. Dive into the unpolluted sea and explore the Balinese marine ecosystem for an experience you won’t soon forget.

Dive Site Nusa Penida: Encounter with Giants

Nusa Penida is a diver’s paradise known for its incredible encounters with giants of the sea. One of the most sought-after dive sites Nusa Penida is diving at Crystal Bay, a dive site famous for its sightings of mola molas, also known as oceanic sunfish. Witnessing these unique and friendly creatures during their annual migration between July and September is a truly blissful exploration.

Another popular spot in Nusa Penida is Manta Point, where divers have the opportunity to swim alongside majestic manta rays in their natural habitat. The sight of these graceful creatures gliding through the crystal-clear waters is simply breathtaking. With their impressive size and gentle nature, manta rays offer an unbelievable encounter for divers exploring Nusa Penida.

Aside from the encounters with giants, diving in Nusa Penida unveils a world of stunning coral reefs teeming with a wide variety of marine species. The bright colors and intricate formations of the coral reefs provide a stunning backdrop for divers to explore and appreciate the beauty of this underwater wonderland. From schools of tropical fish to fascinating macro critters, Nusa Penida offers a diverse range of marine life waiting to be discovered.

Whether you are a qualified diver seeking adrenaline-pumping encounters or a beginner looking to explore the wonders of the underwater world, Nusa Penida is an ideal destination for diving enthusiasts. Its rich marine biodiversity and unique encounters with mola molas and manta rays make Nusa Penida a must-visit for anyone seeking an extraordinary diving experience in Bali.

Diving in Nusa Lembongan

Nusa Lembongan, the neighboring island of Nusa Penida, offers its own unique diving voyage. This tropical island is known for its clean blue sea and rich marine life, making it a paradise for underwater enthusiasts.

One of the highlights of diving in Nusa Lembongan is the opportunity to encounter friendly dolphins. These intelligent creatures can often be spotted swimming alongside divers, creating cherished memories in their natural environment.

Nusa Lembongan is also renowned for being a prime location for Mola-mola dives. These fascinating creatures, also known as oceanic sunfish, visit the area during the same season as Nusa Penida. Divers have the chance to swim alongside these extraordinary sunfish, capturing exceptional moments underwater.

“Diving in Nusa Lembongan offers a remarkable blend of encounters with friendly dolphins and the chance to dive with magnificent Mola-molas.”

Whether you are an pro diver or a beginner, Nusa Lembongan’s dive sites cater to all skill levels. From colorful coral reefs to astonishing underwater landscapes, every dive is sure to offer an unforgettable voyage.

  • Explore the famous dive sites, such as Blue Corner and Mangrove Point, where you can witness an abundance of marine life and stunning coral formations.
  • Pamper yourself in the fascinating underwater world of Nusa Lembongan as you encounter colorful fish, sea turtles, and a variety of other marine species.
  • Experience the thrill of drift diving along the exhilarating currents that flow between Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Penida.
  • Discover the hidden treasures of underwater caves and caverns.

Visiting Nusa Lembongan for diving allows you to embrace the beauty of Bali’s underwater realm and create memories that will last a lifetime.


When doing a responsible diving in Bali, it is crucial to prioritize the protection of the marine environment and the well-being of its assorted marine life. Nusa Penida, with its incredible dive sites and rich marine diversity, is highly recommended for a memorable diving excursion in Bali.

To ensure maximum enjoyment and safety during your diving exploration, it is advisable to hire a local dive guide or choose a reputable Nusa Penida dive center. These skilled professionals can provide valuable insights into the dive sites, help you navigate the underwater terrain, and ensure responsible diving practices.

By opting for a local guide or PADI dive center, you not only enhance your safety but also contribute to the local economy and support the conservation efforts in Bali. Their knowledge and expertise will make your excursion in Nusa Penida even more rewarding, as you explore the beautiful marine life and magnificent coral reefs in a responsible and sustainable manner. Dive into the wonders of Nusa Penida and create memories that will last a lifetime.


What are the best dive sites in Bali?

Bali offers a variety of amazing dive sites. Some of the best dive sites in Bali include Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan, Crystal Bay, and Manta Point.

What can I expect to see while diving in Bali?

When diving in Bali, you can expect to see beautiful coral lives, colorful fish, sea turtles, manta rays, and even the elusive mola mola (oceanic sunfish).

When is the best time to encounter mola molas in Nusa Penida?

The best time to encounter mola molas in Nusa Penida is during their annual migration between July and September.

How can I ensure a responsible diving adventure in Bali?

To ensure a responsible diving in Bali, it is important to prioritize marine conservation, respect marine life, and consider hiring a local dive guide or choosing a trusted PADI dive center.

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