Common Leisure Activities in Puerto Rico

Whether you’re flying in for a visit to Puerto Rico or thinking of staying here full time, you may be wondering what the locals do with their time. This can be a major concern before you head to a new place, so let us tell you what studies suggest are the most popular activities here.


Back in the early 1900s, Puerto Ricans had very little spare time as it was all about work, work, work. Although you might feel like this is still the way you spend most of your time, the chances are that you have some free time too. No longer working 14 hours per day and having vacation time makes a big difference to the way that we spend our leisure time.

The most common leisure activity for the people of Puerto Rico was to read, which isn’t too much of a surprise. Nearly 20% of those surveyed said that they had used this as a means of relaxing in the evening in the last few months.

Then, the next most common way for people to spend their time here was online in a variety of ways. Playing free bingo, chatting with friends and spending time on Facebook are just as popular here as they are elsewhere in the world.wok

Going out to bars and clubs also makes up a significant portion of how we relax, with males from 18 – 24 making up the largest percentage of this cross section. Following along from this, as many as 17.5% said that they used a lot of their personal time to cook and dine out. We all need to eat but this percentage stated that it was a hobby as well as a necessity.

Learning new skills was represented by a very small percentage of the group surveyed, as more people appeared to prefer existing leisure activities. Dance classes, vocational classes and finding new hobbies were among some of the least common activities in the group.

celebrateOther activities that didn’t appear to be very popular included checking out cultural events or concerts. There’s no end to all of these types of events, so it is strange that only 3% of people said they had done so in the past few months.

It may be that we are just too busy for these kinds of events or it could simply be that it requires much more effort than say reading a book. Though we tend to work fewer hours than our grandparents would have, studies suggest that our lives are generally more taxing. This can lead to less people making the choice to go out as they would prefer to stay home to relax.

Learning new skills was represented by a very small percentage of the group surveyed, as more people appeared to prefer existing leisure activities. Dance classes, vocational classes and finding new hobbies were among some of the least common activities in the group.

Other activities that didn’t appear to be very popular included checking out cultural events or concerts. There’s no end to all of these types of events, so it is strange that only 3% of people said they had done so in the past few months.

It may be that we are just too busy for these kinds of events or it could simply be that it requires much more effort than say reading a book. Though we tend to work fewer hours than our grandparents would have, studies suggest that our lives are generally more taxing. This can lead to less people making the choice to go out as they would prefer to stay home to relax.

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