History of the Three Kings Day Celebration

An Important Time Every culture has a time of the year that is very  important to them. Puerto Ricans know especially how vital it is to celebrate their heritage. Tradition is important because it offers flavor and spice, it tells the world a story about a certain culture. Three Kings’ Day is a celebration that takes place on January 6th every year. While Puerto Ricans do celebrate Christmas, this event is not over even when the new year passes. That is because everyone is anxiously awaiting El Dia De Los Reyes. This has also been…

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Three Kings Day – Festival de los Magos Reyes

Three Kings Day The Magi were then warned in dreams that revealed Herod’s deadly intentions for the child and decided to return home by a different route in order to thwart them. This prompted Herod to resort to killing all the young children in Bethlehem, an act called the Massacre of the Innocents, in an attempt to eliminate a rival heir to his throne. Jesus and his family had, however, escaped to Egypt beforehand. El Día de los Tres Reyes, occurs on January the sixth. Depending on where you are,…

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