Puerto Rican Chambers of Commerce have been established in many cities throughout Florida and the United States. Below is a listing of most of the Puerto Rico Chambers of Commerce listed by area. Camara de Comercio de Puerto Rico Misión: Fortalecer el desarrollo de sus constituyentes proveyendo conocimientos, representatividad multisectorial y protegiendo los valores y fundamentos de la libre empresa. Además fomentar el desarrollo socioeconómico sostenible de Puerto Rico y una mejor calidad de vida. Visión: Crear las condiciones socioeconómicas sustentables que potencien la competitividad de Puerto Rico, promoviendo la…
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Tribal Government of the Jatibonicu Taino People of Puerto Rico
We of the tribe of Jatibonicu’ and its Tribal Council of Elders and tribal members, extend to you a very warm Taino greeting. We who are the original people of the Island of Borikén (Puerto Rico), do hereby officially welcome you to our Boriken island homeland and our Taino tribal nation home page. This tribal web site is a humble tribute to our honored Taino ancestor Cacike Orocobix (Principal Chief, Remembrance of the First Mountain) of the tribe of Jatibonicu’ and its Taino people. We of the Jatibonicu’ tribe are…
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