5 Aspects to Consider Before Mixing Weed and Antibiotics

weed and antibiotics

Nothing feels worse than being sick, and when you’re feeling low, you might need a pick-me-up. While weed can be a great way to pass the time and feel better, you need to be careful if you’re taking any medication.

When you’re considering mixing weed and antibiotics, it’s a decision that can lead to many consequences when you’re not doing your research. Think about these aspects before you decide to start using weed while on antibiotics.

What Type of Antibiotics You Are On

Depending on how sick you are and what you are suffering from, you can be prescribed various antibiotics. Some common antibiotics your doctor can give you are:

  • Levofloxacin
  • Cephalexin
  • Doxycycline
  • Clindamycin
  • Azithromycin

There are hundreds of antibiotics out there, but doctors today will only prescribe you antibiotics when necessary. Many people develop antibiotic microbial resistance, which is why they must be taken in moderation.

Does Weed Reduce the Efficacy of Your Medication?

When you’re on a regular prescription of antibiotics for a few days or weeks, you need to know whether the effect will be reduced when you’re using weed, too. Apart from Clindamycin, most of the common antibiotics work as intended when you’re using weed. Remember that it doesn’t mean you should be using weed from morning to night.

However, you should consult your physician when prescribing you antibiotics just to be extra safe. You want to be sure that your cannabis use won’t alter the effects of your antibiotics or make you develop an unintended resistance to them.

Are There Any Side Effects?

There’s not a lot of accurate data about what happens when you’re mixing weed with antibiotics. Due to this, no substantial side effects can be reported.

Most of the effects you will face when mixing these two components are short-term. Long-term results are yet to be seen. However, you should keep in mind that weed and antibiotics do utilize similar pathways in the body, so using one can hinder the optimal effect of the other.

Can Weed Be An Alternative for Antibiotics?

Recent studies have indicated that weed has properties that can help fight against bacteria in the body. With more people developing antimicrobial resistance, scientists are researching whether weed would be the ideal antibiotic alternative.

However, this is still currently in the research phase, so you shouldn’t delay your visit to a doctor and think that weed will resolve your health problems.

What Experts Say About Mixing Weed and Antibiotics

When you’re looking to mix weed and antibiotics, you need to ensure that you’re letting your physician know about it. As your medical expert, they can let you know whether it’s optimal to be using weed in your condition.

Depending on the length of your treatment and the potency of your antibiotic prescription, your doctor will examine your health status and make a sound judgment.

While most experts agree that there aren’t any serious adverse effects to using weed when you’re on antibiotics, it never hurts to check. When it’s been approved by your doctor, you can pass the time while having fun using weed.



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