House of Puerto Rico San Diego
In February 2006, we inaugurated a cottage–La Casita –aimed to preserve our culture in the world-renown Balboa Park. Visit nuestra casita every Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 11am-4pm.
Be sure to join our Mailing List (see below) to get our e-newsletters and keep you informed. If you registered and are not receiving your emails, maybe your email has changed or inadvertantly unsubscribed, register again and follow instructions to update your setting. ¡Bienvenidos
2024 Event Save the Dates
Always the first Saturday of the month at La Casita at 3:45 pm for a 4:00 pm sharp start,
remember to bring a potluck item to share!
Enero 6, Febrero 3, Marzo 2, Abril 6, Mayo 4, Junio 1, NO JULIO, Agosto 3,
Septiembre 7, Octubre 5, Noviembre 2, NO DICIEMBRE
Join Host Isabel Schechter, email us at
The second Tuesday of the Month (No club meeting in December)
Boricua’s will be in the house! We are finalizing the date and will let we know. Last year was a major success and we plan on adding MORE tickets. The specially designed ball cap took the show. We are repeating that, and a ball cap will be given to ALL those who have purchased a ticket from HPRSD. Check our website for updates!
On Saturday September 21st, a collaborative Lawn Program will take place with the other Latino Houses.
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Join the House of Puerto Rico today!
The House of Puerto Rico San Diego (HPRSD) is a non-profit cultural and social organization established under the laws of the state of California for the purpose of sharing and communicating the culture of Puerto Rico to the people of California. Membership is open to all people of good character and of any origin who believe in the principles of liberty and equality among all races and who are in sympathy with the objectives and purposes of the House of Puerto Rico. Affiliation with HPRSD, also known as La Casa de Puerto Rico (LCDPR), shall not be denied because of race, creed, gender, or national origin.