Una lista de lesiones visibles e invisibles que sufre una vĂ­ctima de un accidente de peatones

Los peatones son muchas veces los más desprotegidos ante el impacto de un vehĂ­culo en la vĂ­a pĂşblica, y las consecuencias del accidente pueden ser desde las más leves, hasta dejar secuelas de por vida. Por eso, cobran tanta importancia los abogados de accidentes peatonales: ya que las vĂ­ctimas de estos siniestros deben afrontar, además del trauma generado por la situaciĂłn, una serie de estudios mĂ©dicos y rehabilitaciones muy costosas. Por otra parte, la recuperaciĂłn puede ser un proceso largo y doloroso, acompañado de intervenciones quirĂşrgicas, inmovilizaciĂłn y otros inconvenientes.…

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4 Times When You Need To Hire a Lawyer ASAP

hiring a lawyer

Navigating legal matters can be complex and daunting. Even if you’re knowledgeable about the law, certain situations require professional legal assistance to ensure everything is handled correctly and to avoid potential pitfalls. We recently spoke with four different professionals in the legal field to understand some critical circumstances where hiring a lawyer is absolutely indispensable. Facing a Criminal Charge “Being accused of a crime, even if you are innocent, is a serious matter. The legal system does not automatically assume innocence, and without a proper defense, you risk conviction. A…

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¿Qué es la Ley de Transparencia Empresarial?

Por Nydia Menendez La Ley de Transparencia Empresarial (la “CTA” o la “Ley”) entrará en vigor en unas pocas semanas, el 1 de enero de 2024. Sin embargo, la Ley impondrá nuevos requisitos de informaciĂłn a aproximadamente 32 millones de pequeñas empresas, con importantes sanciones civiles y penales. Por este motivo, es posible que sea necesario actuar de inmediato antes de finales de 2023 para reducir o retrasar el impacto de la LTC en caso de que le afecte. ÂżQuĂ© es la Ley de Transparencia Empresarial? La LTC exigirá a…

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What is the Corporate Transparency Act?

by Estate Planning Attorney Nydia Menendez The Corporate Transparency Act (the “CTA” or the “Act”) becomes effective in just a few short weeks – on January 1, 2024. Yet, the Act will impose new reporting requirements on approximately 32 million small businesses, with significant civil and criminal penalties. For this reason, immediate action may be required before the end of 2023 to lessen or delay the impact of the CTA should it apply to you. What is the Corporate Transparency Act? The CTA will require certain entities (called “reporting companies”)…

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Minimizing Tax Liability On Death

minimizing tax liabilities

What Will Your Tax Liability be? When we die, most of us leave behind a fairly substantial and intricate web of assets and liabilities, including money, our home and our other possessions. In most jurisdictions, there arises a liability to tax on death that must be borne from the totality of the estate, and this can lead to a significant reduction of inheritance for our loved ones. Having said that, there are a number of ways in which liability to tax on death can be vastly reduced whilst still ensuring…

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Contesting A Will – What You Need To Know

When a loved one passes away, it can be a difficult and emotional time for everyone involved. If you have been left out of their will or believe that the will is not a true reflection of their wishes, you may be considering contesting the will. Contesting a will can be a complicated and lengthy process, so it is important to understand what is involved and what you need to know before taking any action. Grounds For Contesting A Will Before you can contest a will, you need to have…

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Las Cosas no Son Siempre lo Que Parecen: Cuidado con el Robo de Identidad

(BPT) – Los estafadores cambian constantemente de tácticas para robar su informaciĂłn personal identificable (PII, por sus siglas en inglĂ©s), como los nombres de usuario y contraseñas de cuentas, nĂşmeros de Seguro Social, fechas de nacimiento, nĂşmeros de tarjetas de crĂ©dito y dĂ©bito, de identificaciĂłn personal (PIN, por sus siglas en inglĂ©s) u otra informaciĂłn confidencial. Cuando la sustraen, pueden llevar a cabo delitos como el fraude financiero, que pueden resultarles a las vĂ­ctimas un proceso difĂ­cil y frustrante de remediar. El Servicio de InspecciĂłn Postal de los Estados Unidos…

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Mistakes Parents Make When Passing Their Wealth onto Children

As a parent, you want to make sure that your children are well taken care of, throughout your own life and afterward. When you pass your wealth to your children, you want to make sure that you go about it in the right way. This will help you to protect your family and ensure that your generational wealth will continue into the future. Favoring One Child Over Another When you are leaving money to your children, you want to be as fair as possible. While you may have a better…

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Filing A Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuit

If you are the victim of water contamination at Camp Lejeune, there is help available. A water contamination lawsuit can provide financial compensation and help to ensure that the military environment is clean. Here’s everything you need to know about filing a Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuit: Who Is Eligible To File A Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuit? The VA estimates that about 1 million veterans were exposed to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune when they were serving in the Marine Corps between the 1950s and the 1980s. These individuals…

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