How High Blood Pressure Can Impact Your Health

When was the last time you had your blood pressure taken? If it’s been a few years, it’s past time to have it checked again. Maintaining healthy blood pressure is a critical part of maintaining good health. You can’t rely on symptoms to let you know if your blood pressure is getting too high. High blood pressure is called a silent killer for a reason. It doesn’t have to kill you to negatively impact your health though.

Increased Risk of Heart Attacks

Having high blood pressure forces your heart to work harder to circulate blood throughout your body. When your heart has to work harder, the left ventricle (the lower left heart chamber) thickens, much like how other muscles grow when they are forced to work harder. In this case, however, having an enlarged heart is problematic

A thicker left ventricle increases your risk of a deadly heart attack. High blood pressure also increases the risk of plaque and cholesterol buildup in your blood vessels. Eventually, that buildup closes off the vessel. When this happens in the vessels that supply oxygen to the heart muscle, that muscle tissue starts to die and a heart attack begins.

Increased Strokes

Blood vessels can be quite delicate. Over time, high blood pressure can damage your blood vessels, causing them to narrow, impeding their capacity to deliver oxygen. It can also cause blood clots to form in the arteries. 

That’s never good, but it’s especially problematic when it happens to those in your brain. When the brain stops getting oxygen and nutrients, it starts to die. This is referred to as a stroke. About 50% of survivors suffer motor dysfunction or brain impairment.

Increased Risk of Kidney Damage

There are a lot of blood vessels within your kidneys. At their thinnest point, these vessels may narrow to the point where red blood cells can only pass through in a single file line. As you might imagine, such vessels could easily be damaged by high blood pressure. High blood pressure could cause kidney scarring, which can lead to kidney failure. You’ll have to begin dialysis treatments or receive a kidney transplant if your kidneys fail.

High blood pressure can lead to severe damage in so many areas. In addition to your heart, brain, and kidneys, high blood pressure can damage your eyes and arteries, lead to sexual dysfunction, and serious pregnancy complications. Don’t assume everything is fine just because you don’t have any symptoms. Have your blood pressure checked regularly so you can protect your health.

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