Skin Care – The Importance of Prevention and Maintenance

When it comes to skin care, many people don’t think about it until they start to see the first signs of wrinkles, usually some time in their thirties. Although paying attention to skin care is beneficial at any age, it is important to learn the basics of good skin care as early as possible, and make it a routine. Many times, however, people just don’t know where to start. With all of the beauty products on the market, and all of the claims of their cleansing and anti-aging benefits, how can we figure out the best skin care regimens for ourselves? There have been many strides made in the field of skin care, and some of the new skin care products combined with some old, tried-and-true methods of care can help anyone keep their skin in the best shape possible.

Skin care from the inside out

One thing that a lot of people don’t realize is that skin care is more than just keeping your skin clean and applying the right kinds of creams. The skin is an organ – the largest organ of the body – and all the organs of the body need good nutrition in order to function properly. With today’s fast food diets and busy lifestyles, where many peoples’ idea of a meal is grabbing a quick bite on the way in or out the door, it’s no wonder that there is a nutritional crisis going on. When it comes to skin care, proper nutrition should be the first thing that we think of. Eating healthy foods, including plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats like olive or canola oil can go a long way in helping the skin stay healthy and supple. A good quality vitamin and mineral supplement each day can help too, especially for busy people who don’t watch their diets as closely as they should. To be healthy, the skin needs the right balance of vitamins and minerals, especially the B vitamins, anti-oxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E, and essential minerals like calcium and magnesium. Proper eating habits and vitamin and mineral supplementation should be considered the first and most essential beauty products and anti-aging products on our lists.

The Importance of Prevention in Skin Care

It is much harder for skin care beauty products and anti-aging products to work when we don’t work to prevent many skin care problems. Good nutrition is one way to do this, but we also need to do more. One of the most damaging elements to the skin is the sun. Not so long ago, people regarded a nice tan as a sign of healthy skin. Today, most of us know that too much exposure to the ultra-violet rays of the sun and even the so called “safe” UVA rays that come from tanning booths is extremely damaging, and dangerous, to the skin. UV and UVA rays cause premature aging of the skin, and can also cause other skin conditions such as rashes, inflammation, and skin cancer. A good quality sun block lotion is an essential beauty product to have on hand at all times – with an SPF of 30 or higher. Sun block should be worn all the time when you are outside – ultra violet rays are still present even on cloudy days – and should be reapplied whenever necessary. Hats work well for shielding our faces from the sun, as well as trying to always sit in the shade and not directly in the sun.


Keeping skin clean is essential for good skin care. A mild soap that doesn’t dry the skin can be good, and there are several beauty products on the market that focus on safe skin cleansing. Your skin should be cleansed before applying or reapplying any creams or lotions, and any make-up used on the face should be as clean as possible.

Creams and Lotions

Today there are a variety of creams and lotions on the market that are very helpful for skin care. Beauty products and anti-aging products for the skin have been developed over the years that can help the skin renew itself, that can prevent or reduce wrinkles, help prevent or reduce other signs of skin aging, and clear up acne and other debilitating skin conditions. Exfoliating skin creams help the skin slough off old skin cells and produce newer, more resilient skin cells. Certain moisturizers not only keep the skin supple, they can also help the skin rejuvenate itself, and can soften or plump lines and wrinkles, making them noticeably smoother and less apparent. There are creams and lotions for specific areas of the face and body, such as creams for the delicate area around the eyes, the thicker and rougher area of the elbow, or the vulnerable area of the neck. There are non-prescription and prescription creams that can be extremely helpful for clearing up acne and blackheads.

One of the best things that you can do is consult a dermatologist to figure out the best beauty regimen for your skin type. With all of the wonderful beauty products and anti-aging products on the market, as well as some knowledge about nutrition and preventative skin care, your skin can look its best for a very long time.

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