We of the tribe of Jatibonicu’ and its Tribal Council of Elders and tribal members, extend to you a very warm Taino greeting. We who are the original people of the Island of Borikén (Puerto Rico), do hereby officially welcome you to our Boriken island homeland and our Taino tribal nation home page. This tribal web site is a humble tribute to our honored Taino ancestor Cacike Orocobix (Principal Chief, Remembrance of the First Mountain) of the tribe of Jatibonicu’ and its Taino people. We of the Jatibonicu’ tribe are…
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United Confederation of TaÃno People
WE THE TAINO PEOPLE, determined to secure the blessings bestowed upon us by the Creator, with respect for our mother earth, each other, our elders and ancestors, affirming and safeguarding our Indigenous cultural heritage and spiritual traditions, and in dedication to our children and future generations, do hereby acknowledge and accept on this third day of January, Nineteen hundred and ninety-eight (1998), this declaration with its articles being established by the people unified and hereby constituting the United Confederation of Taino People (La Confederacion Unida del Pueblo Taino): Learn more about the…
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