Taxes are one of those subjects that people hate to talk or think about, especially if they anticipate owing money in back taxes every year. That’s probably the reason why many taxpayers wait until the very last moment to prepare for tax season. It’s also why around 14 million Americans find themselves receiving threatening letters from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the reason why they are in some sort of collection proceedings. With a new administration taking office in January 2021, more tax law changes are almost certain. COVID…
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How to Properly Handle Your Taxes
If you work for a regular monthly salary or operate a business, you are bound to pay income tax to the federal government through the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). However, it wouldn’t be surprising if you realize you have been overpaying or underpaying your taxes, depending on different circumstances. To avoid that, you need to file a tax return each year to keep your tax situation under control. Filing for tax returns lets you know if you qualify for a refund in the event you have been overpaying your taxes,…
Read MoreHow To Stay Out Of Tax Trouble
Clock is ticking and tax time will again be here before you know it. If your tax return is a simple one, you may be up to filing the return yourself. But if your situation is somewhat difficult, seeking the help of a qualified professional is probably your best move and could end you saving big time on taxes. At Ramon Ortega CPA, PA we specialize in helping people resolve their back-tax problems such as filing years of unfiled returns, settling your back taxes with the IRS, or negotiating favorable…
Read MoreBankruptcy FAQ For Individuals
Filing for bankruptcy is a difficult and draining process. People often feel ashamed, scared, or confused. If you find yourself with no other options, bankruptcy can be a good way to clear out old debts, change financial patterns, and most importantly get a fresh start. Here is everything you need to know about filing for bankruptcy. Note: Depending on what type of taxes you owe, you might not be able to wipe out your back taxes in bankruptcy proceedings. Our firm specializes in tax resolution and back tax debt settlements…
Read MoreWork From Home Tax Forms
Work From Home Tax Forms: How To Store Them, How To File Them And How To Reduce Your Liability Working from home can be a dream come true, especially if you also work for yourself. Opportunities for freelancers, gig workers and other self-employed men and women have exploded in recent years, giving people the freedom, they crave without sacrificing the income they need. This is far more evident with the current COVID situation where millions of Americans are now commuting from their bedroom to the dining room table for a…
Read MoreTax Relief And COVID-19
Much like a natural disaster, the coronavirus took the world by storm and forced everyone to seek “shelter at home” and to change their daily habits in an effort to “flatten the curve”. This meant shutting down businesses and within a week, millions of Americans found themselves out of a job. Businesses who had record sales at the beginning of March found themselves near insolvency by end of March. Despite a $2 trillion stimulus bill, the economy will undoubtedly take a bit hit and take time to recover. People who…
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