Life as a Latina – part 2

Life as a Latina – part 2 C onsidering that I am a Puerto Rican sociologist, there is of great interest to me in answering the question, “How does the American civilization view Latin women in modern day society?” In a recent study I have done, being that I am a twenty-year-old attending college, there is offered easy access to individuals of all ages, ethnic backgrounds, and socio-economic status’. The research method used is called, “Random Sampling,” which consists of the researcher randomly selecting a specific amount of individuals, question their…

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Interview Follow-up Letters – Do You Know Their Importance?

Simonne Emmons You’ve had your interview with a perspective employer. Now what? Do you simply wait for a response or do you take a more proactive stand? The fact is that job searching doesn’t end with the interview. It’s what you do in the days that follow the interview that can shift things in your favor. Do you know the importance of a follow-up letter? It is the last piece of the overall resume package but it can be the most powerful and persuasive piece of material you can…

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The Importance of Cover Letters

Simonne Emmons Finding a job has become much more of a challenge in recent years. Using the Internet as an additional resource will increase your options to find many great job opportunities, which are not always advertised in the newspaper. Many employers will place an online advertisement in conjunction with or in place of an ad in the local newspaper. Job boards, as they are called, allow you to search online among many jobs in your category of choice. They allow you to narrow down prospects, and many will…

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