Home Insurance and Hurricane Preparations

Hurricane Damage in the Billions The violent winds, rains and storm damage from hurricanes can devastate communities and cause billions of dollars worth of destruction. The losses from hurricanes this year alone have surpassed that from almost any other natural disaster in years. The risk to your home and possessions can be enormous and you really should be considering insurance cover for hurricane damage if you live in any area that is exposed to the risk of hurricane. As well as insurance cover however, there are other steps you can…

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Immediate Steps You Need To Take After Your House Burns Down

One of the most harrowing and most debilitating occurrences that can happen to your family is a house fire. As bad as it is though, it’s something that you need to move on to. The truth is that no one can help you but yourself in this situation so you need to stay strong. According to the National Fire Protection Association, more than a quarter of fires reported from 2014-2018 were house fires. That amounts to thousands of homes destroyed by fires during the five-year period. Eventually, the families were able…

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