Aspects of Astrology


There are many aspects of astrology that are not often considered by those who do not actually study the subject. Most people think that astrology consists of sun signs. However, there are many other aspects of astrology that must be considered for the art to be truly accurate and useful. The Planets There are ten planets studied in astrology. The number ten is arrived by adding the sun and the moon. The earth is not counted, because our perspective is from the earth. Each planet influences both the sun sign…

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How Astrology Can Be Helpful In Your Life

Astrology – More Than Entertainment Astrology can be much more than an entertainment, it can also be very helpful to you in many situations and many areas of your life. Astrology can be beneficial when you are confronted with difficulties, dilemmas, and questions; and it will also serve a good purpose in your average, everyday life. If you have either specific problems or merely general, basic concerns, gaining insight into astrology will help provide you with the answers you may be searching for. Many people first develop an interest in…

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