Finding the one person you want to spend the rest of your life with is an incredible experience and something to be excited about. However, you need to leave room for some practicality among all that excitement. Before you get married, it’s important to talk with your future spouse about finances. Combining Finances After getting married, most people will combine their finances and this can look different for everyone. Some people combine all their finances (bank accounts, credit cards, loans, etc.), while some will only combine a portion. Your first…
Read MoreYear: 2022
Coffee Haciendas in Puerto Rico You Cannot Miss
When thinking about the top famous coffee locations, you probably think of Colombia. However, did you know that Puerto Rico is also famous for these magic beans? This fantastic island has perfect conditions for growing coffee plants, which is why you can find many coffee haciendas all around it. This guide is for all coffee lovers out there! So, let’s explore the best coffee haciendas in Puerto Rico that you should visit. History of coffee in Puerto Rico Coffee arrived on the island in the 1730s, during Spanish Colonial rule…
Read MoreFiling A Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuit
If you are the victim of water contamination at Camp Lejeune, there is help available. A water contamination lawsuit can provide financial compensation and help to ensure that the military environment is clean. Here’s everything you need to know about filing a Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuit: Who Is Eligible To File A Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuit? The VA estimates that about 1 million veterans were exposed to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune when they were serving in the Marine Corps between the 1950s and the 1980s. These individuals…
Read MoreLenses Every Photographer Should Bring on Vacation
A Standard Prime First off, make sure that you’re bringing a standard, dependable prime lens. A standard prime lens has a fixed focal length with an average aperture. This type of lens can help you to get a shot with great optical quality and a focused, but slightly more shallow depth of field. With some standard prime lenses, you might need to bring a few different lenses to cover all of your photography bases. They might not have as extensive of a zoom feature, but you’ll love the beautiful shots…
Read MoreHow to Regain Your Confidence After Giving Birth
Pregnancy and birth are truly transformative processes that will change your mind and body in significant ways. Once you’ve recovered from giving birth, you’ll probably want to start feeling like yourself again. Here are a few ideas that can help you to regain your confidence after giving birth. Start a Fitness Routine First, you can start a fitness routine to help you gain confidence after giving birth. Keep in mind that your body has just been through a lot of work and trauma, so take sufficient time to heal from…
Read MoreWhat to Do When You Walk a Lot on Vacation
Something few people think about when they go on vacation is how much walking they will probably be doing. Most people walk far more than they are accustomed to when they travel. All that sightseeing and foot travel can really take a toll on you if you aren’t prepared. The last thing you want is for your trip to be cut short because of blisters, chafing, or other injuries. Wear Comfortable Shoes Everyone wants to look their best when they visit someplace new, but fashion should never trump comfort, especially…
Read MorePuerto Rico 1965-1990: A Quarter Century of Highlights, Hope, Status and Stasis
by Robert Friedman Through his own newspaper articles and recollections of the time, Robert Friedman shows readers in this vivid and nostalgic memoir what it was like living in Puerto Rico from the mid-1960s through the 1970s and 1980s, the years he spent there as a journalist for the San Juan Star. The book is far from an encompassing history, but rather a personal timeline of the era, a journalist’s-eye view of life in the U.S. quasi-colony, whose island-born residents are U.S. citizens but who do not have all…
Read MoreCan you learn Spanish on the Internet?
Advances in technology have generated many changes in the daily lives of people. And one of those changes occurred at the time of studying. Today you can learn about the subject you want from anywhere you are. All opinions are valid. For some, studying in person at an educational establishment will not be the same as learning online. But it is also true that today you can check in the way that you think will best suit what you are looking for. If you are thinking of learning a new…
Read MoreThe Best Street Food In Puerto Rico
No matter how excited you may be to visit a new place, one fear often remains: will you like the local food? That is not a silly concern either since getting used to a new cuisine can be challenging. It is possible to ease the transition if you know what delicious local food to choose, though! Having said all that, let’s look at the best street food in Puerto Rico you are guaranteed to like! Empanadilla Empanadillas are the first entry on our list of the best street food in…
Read MoreThe Benefits of Being More Physically Active
Have you ever wondered how your life would change if you were more physically active? Sometimes, it can be difficult to motivate yourself to workout and be active, especially if you’re very busy or are overweight. Here are a few benefits of being more physically active that have the potential to be life-changing for you. Improve Your Mood First, being more physically active can help to improve your mood and mental health. Often, the responsibilities of day-to-day life can become burdensome and overwhelming. If you don’t have an outlet provided…
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