Carmen Bardeguez-Brown Published Works & Anthologies

Carmen Bardeguez-Brown is the author of For the Love of Cooking: Chef Tao, a Memoir (2022). Her published poetry collection includes Meditation on Love, Dancing, Loss and Forgiveness (2022); Three Poets/Tres Poetas, a collaboration with Marlena Maduro Baraf and Julio César Paz (2022); Lo que aprendí al otro lado del mundo, a collaboration with author Julio César Paz (2020); Dreaming Rhythms: Despertando el Silencio (2016); and Straight from the Drums (2012).  Her poetry appears in several anthologies and poetry magazines: Trauma Tresses & Truth ed. by Lizette Wanzer (2021); Boundaries & Borders ed. by Oyabisi Ideraabdullah (2024); I Can’t Breathe: A Poetic Anthology of Social Justice ed. by Christopher Okemwa (2021); Musings During a Time of Pandemic: A World Anthology of Poems on COVID-19, ed. by Christopher Okemwa (2020); Manteca! An Anthology of Afro-Latin@ Poets, ed. by Melissa Castillo-Garstow (Arte Publico Press, 2017); Aloud: Voices from the Nuyorican Poets Cafe ed. by Miguel Algarin and Bob Holman (1994); Big Other ed. by John Madera; On the Seawall (2022); Nuyorican Poets Writers Vol. 1 ed. by Dr. Nancy Mercado Hunter College, Academy of American Poets; and many others. Her work is part of the collection by the Puerto Rican Literature Project archive, University of Houston, Texas.

Published Works by Carmen Bardeguez-Brown

Meditation on Love Dancing Loss and Forgiveness Meditation on Love, Dancing, Loss, and Forgiveness
by Carmen Bardeguez-Brown

Carmen Bardeguez-Brown’s Meditation on Love, Dancing, Loss, and Forgiveness is a dance of memory and desire.

It is a seamless combination of poetry and prose, English and Spanish, and the geographic roots of Ms. Bardeguez-Brown’s life – Puerto Rico and New York City – which beautifully convey her inner journey, at times imagistic, at time expository, always blended into a powerful, natural balance.

Price was $12.00 NOW $11.16
Publisher Marrowstone Press Publish Date February 01, 2022
Pages 84
Dimensions 6.14 X 9.21 X 0.2 inches
Language English Type Paperback
EAN/UPC 9780578325484


Three PoetsThree Poets / Tres Poetas
by Carmen Bardeguez-Brown, Marlena Maduro Baraf, and Julio César Paz

“…Three Poets, Marlena Maduro Baraf, Carmen Bardeguez-Brown, and Julio César Paz …a unique collection of poetry that is an act of kinship and a compelling documentary of language in time. These three voices rally the power of poetry in a global way, from New York to Hanoi to Chiang Mai.”

-Elaine Sexton, author of Drive

Price was $8.00 NOW $7.44
Publisher Marrowstone Press
Publish Date February 24, 2022
Pages 46
Language English
Type Paperback
EAN/UPC 9780578373102


lo que aprendilo ue aprendí al otro lado del mundo
by Carmen Bardeguez-Brown and Julio Cesar Paz

Esta selección ofrece al lector la oportunidad de sentir la angustia de vivir. Cada poema es una pincelada de múltiples tonos de los colores familiares y, a su vez, extraños que motivan a reflexionar, a ver la vida de frente. A sentir la tristeza, pero sin perder la esperanza que habita en los escombros de la memoria.

Price $6.28
Publisher Independently Published
Publish Date April 18, 2020
Pages 36
Language Spanish
Type Paperback
EAN/UPC 9798632192675


Dreaming Rythms: Despertando Silencios
by Carmen Bardeguez-Brown

A book of poems by Carmen Bardeguez-Brown In this book we hear a voice that reflects cultures being intertwined to create a new, unique form of expression with its own grammar and prosody. The Newyorican experience finds its voice in the poetry of Dreaming Rhythms, Despertando silencios.
Price $10.00
Pandora Lobo Estepario Productions
Publish Date December 13, 2015
Pages 102
Dimensions 5.5 X 0.24 X 8.5 inches | 0.31 pounds
Language English
Type Paperback
EAN/UPC 9781940856254


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