Hecho en Puerto Rico | Asociación Hecho en Puerto Rico

The Asociación Hecho en Puerto Rico, Inc. is a non-profit organization incorporated in 1967.

Its origins date back to 1910 when Don Antonio R. Barceló founded the Puerto Rico Association with the purpose of protecting the main industries of the island, which, at that time, were sugar cane, coffee and tobacco.

In 1913, the Puerto Rico legislature passed Law #52, which established the Asociación Puerto Rico, later renamed Asociación Productos de Puerto Rico Inc. whose official logo became the symbol of the mechanical wheel with the motto “Made in Puerto Rico ”.

The Mission of the Association is to protect and promote manufacturing and services made and offered by companies whose base of operation is Puerto Rico. Its partners are manufacturing, processing, marketing, distribution and export companies of products that, as members of our Association, use the “Made in Puerto Rico” seal. We also have companies that offer services to other members and the community in general.

Our organization is directed by a Board of Directors elected by direct vote of the members at the Annual Assembly. The Board has a President, a treasurer, a secretary, a legal advisor and six directors from various sectors.

The Association also has the Puerto Rico Minority Business Development Agency Business Center, an entity attached to the Association, whose mission is to provide our members and the entire private sector with technical assistance to access funds complemented by contributions from the Minority Administration. Business (Small Business Administration) Federal.

The Hecho en Puerto Rico Association, Inc. is an entity committed to sustainable economic activity by companies that generate jobs, contributions, financial and human capital that allows us to grow proportionally to our talents and our efforts.

Asociación Hecho en Puerto Rico, Inc.

Es una organización sin fines de lucro incorporada en 1967. Sus orígenes se remontan al 1910 cuando Don Antonio R. Barceló fundó la Asociación Puerto Rico con el propósito de proteger las principales industrias de la isla que, en ese momento era la caña de azúcar, el café y el tabaco.

La Misión de la Asociación es proteger y promover la manufactura y los servicios hechos y ofrecidos por empresas cuya base de operación es Puerto Rico. Sus socios son empresas de manufactura, procesamiento, mercadeo, distribución y exportación de productos que, como miembros de nuestra Asociación, utilizan el sello “Hecho en Puerto Rico”. Contamos, además con sobre cien empresas que ofrecen servicios a otros socios y la comunidad en general.

Tel:787 753 8484
Fax:787 753 0885
Website: asociacion.hechoen.pr



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