How to Get Proper Material and a Good Conclusion for Your Thesis Paper

A student can have many questions while writing a thesis paper. For example: what is a thesis paper and how to deal with it, how to structure the paper, or how to write a conclusion for a thesis paper.  By not getting the answers to them, they usually Google “do my paper for cheap” requests to get needed help and be on time with their homework assignments. Today, we are going to answer questions involving these topics and help you write your thesis paper by yourself.

The thesis topic, like the supervisor, is approved at the meeting of the profiling department of the faculty. Strict formal requirements for the volume of the thesis do not exist. However, for the majority of theses, the optimal volume is from 80 to 100 pages of typewritten text printed on standard sheets in a standard font, and the spacing interval set at one and a half.

Structural Parts of a Thesis Paper

  • title page
  • table of contents
  • introduction
  • the main part, divided into chapters
  • conclusion
  • a list of symbols and terms (if necessary)
  • list of sources used
  • applications (if necessary)

The title page contains: the full name of the educational institution; the faculty and department, where the work is performed and the first and last name of the author; the title of the work; the specialty direction; academic degree, name of the supervisor and/or consultant; and the city and year of registration of work. On the title page of the thesis, there must be the signatures of the supervisor and the head of the department for the admission of work to defense.

The table of contents given at the beginning of the work provides an opportunity to see the structure of the research. The table of contents includes the headings of the structural parts of the thesis (the names of all chapters and paragraphs), indicating the page number on which the beginning of the material of the corresponding part of the thesis work is placed.

In the introduction, in a concise and concentrated form, the relevance of the work, the object and the subject of research, the goal, the tasks, the scientific and practical value, as well as the methodical apparatus used by the author in writing the thesis should be reflected. In addition, the introduction may contain a brief assessment of the current state of the problem being solved, and the connection of work with other scientific directions. The volume of the introduction, as a rule, is limited to 3-5 pages.

The main text of a thesis work ideally includes three chapters. Chapters can be broken up into sections and paragraphs. The content of the chapters should meet the tasks formulated in the introduction, and consistently reveal the topic of the work. The main text of the thesis may contain an analysis of the scientific literature on the research topic, a detailed description of the methods used, the results of processing of the collected practical information, and the main results of the thesis work.

Distribution of Material for Individual Chapters of the Thesis

  • An analytical review of the literature on the topic, the rationale for choosing the direction of research, and the overall concept of the work. In this case, the undergraduate specifies the main stages in the development of scientific ideas on the problem in question. Critically illuminating the works known in this field, the student should focus on “bottlenecks” in solving the existing problem at the present stage.
  • A detailed (in contrast to the introduction) description of the object and the subject of research, the research methods used, and theoretical and practical sources of information. In this part the substantiation of the choice of the accepted direction of research, methods of the decision of problems and their comparative estimations, and development of the general methodology of the carrying out of the research is given.
  • A detailed development of tasks: assessment of the advantages in the methodology for solving the tasks before the previously known alternative approaches, practical calculations, the results obtained, and a good conclusion for the thesis paper in general.

The list of symbols and terms is entered into the thesis in the case when a specific terminology is adopted in the work, and also the common symbols and abbreviations are used. The list of them can be presented as a separate list, for example, in the form of a column in which a designation, abbreviation, or term is given on the left (by the sequence of appearance in the text of the thesis), and on the right, its detailed decoding is presented. In standard situations, it is allowed to decipher special terms, abbreviations, symbols, and notations in the thesis text when first mentioned.

When writing a thesis, the author is obliged to give references to the author and the source from which he or she borrows the materials, cites certain phrases, or uses the results. Monographs and educational literature, periodicals (articles from magazines and newspapers), legislative and instructional materials, statistical collections, electronic collections posted on the Internet, and other forms can be referred to in the literary sources used.

write your thesis

When compiling a list of used literature, all the details of the book, the name and initials of the author, the title of the book, and the place and name of the publisher are indicated. For articles published in periodicals, the title of the publication, number, year, and pages of the journal (from and to) should be indicated.

Literary sources should be arranged in alphabetical order by the author’s surname, in case the number of authors is more than three – according to the title of the book, the remaining materials are done in chronological order. Applications are entered into the thesis if necessary, if they correspond to the content of the work and serve as a supplement to the disclosure of individual research provisions for an objective assessment of the scientific and practical significance of the study. The number of applications is determined by the author of the thesis independently.

This section may include input data, auxiliary analytical calculations, intermediate results of processing statistical data, expert evaluation materials, and texts of computer programs and a brief description of them, as well as copies of documents that confirm the objectivity of the information used, scientific and (or) practical application of research results or recommendations for their use.

The technology of the master’s study is the development of the sequence and terms of work on the thesis, the performance of its individual elements with the concretization of results on them, allowing to achieve a positive result for the work as a whole.

Do you know how to write a conclusion for a thesis paper? In this part of the thesis, the most important conclusions on the work as a whole are given. Conclusions should strictly correspond to the purpose and tasks of the work formulated in the introduction, and also reflect the scientific and practical value of the results to which the author has come.

In a good conclusion for a thesis paper, the possibilities of practical application of the results obtained and prospects for further development of this scientific direction can be discussed.

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