How to Prepare Your Puerto Rican Home for Spring

Preparing a Puerto Rican home for spring is a great way to enjoy the last few warm days of winter. With spring rainfall in Puerto Rico averaging between 2 and 3 inches monthly, it is vital to prepare ahead of time. Here are some things you should do to prepare your home for the spring in Puerto Rico.

Ready to Grill

One thing that you will want to do is get ready to grill. It would be best if you start by wiping down the exterior of the grill with a food-safe degreaser. Then, use a stiff wire brush to clean the grate. Place some oil on the grates and put them in your kitchen oven at 450 degrees for two hours to cure them. Return them to the grill and check the air vent to make sure that debris has not accumulated there over the winter months.

Deck Accessories

Before spring arrives is the perfect time to check your deck furniture to make sure that it has survived the winter months. Make any repairs necessary to your favorite deck chair and other deck furniture. Then, if necessary, paint them or otherwise coat them to prevent rust when spring and summer rain storms arrive. Accessories with fabric update the look of your deck and make it more comfortable. There are many different fabrics that you might want to consider, including cotton canvas, duck cloth, Textilene mesh, polypropylene and vinyl.

Inspect Your Outside Lighting

You also need to inspect your outside lighting before you start throwing spring grilling parties. You generally need at least three types of outdoor lighting near your grilling area. You need lights that will spread light across the entire area. You also need task lighting that will allow you to see to slice onions or do other smaller tasks near the grilling area. You may want to install controllable mood lighting so that you can set the tone for deck parties according to the activity. If you have beautiful outdoor specimen plants, then you may also want to add some spotlights to draw attention to those. Adding additional lighting near steps can help increase safety.

Spring will soon arrive in Puerto Rico. Make sure that you get these three tasks done as quickly as possible. That way, you will be ready to enjoy awesome deck and backyard parties throughout the spring. Soon, everyone will be raving about how awesome your deck looks and the great food that you have prepared.

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