Embracing Native Plants in Puerto Rican Gardens

puerto rico gardening

Puerto Rico, with its lush landscapes and tropical climate, provides an ideal canvas for gardening enthusiasts. Embracing the rich biodiversity of the island, gardening with native plants not only enhances the natural beauty but also contributes to the preservation of the local ecosystem. In this article, we will explore the enchanting world of gardening in Puerto Rico, emphasizing the significance of using native plants to create sustainable and thriving gardens. The Rich Biodiversity of Puerto Rico Puerto Rico is a biodiversity hotspot, home to a vast array of plant species…

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Balcony Patio and Courtyard Gardening

balcony gardening

People choose balcony, patio, and courtyard gardening for many different reasons. Some are moving from a large house to smaller accommodation, some don’t want the hassle of a large property, and some chose to live in rental property to avoid the high-cost of owning a home. Whatever the reason, this doesn’t mean we can’t garden. No space is too small for a small space garden. One plant in a container is a garden. In fact, ever more gardening options are available in terms of pots, half-barrels, window boxes, troughs, cast-iron…

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