What to Keep in Mind About Technology Use During Your Trip to Puerto Rico

Gearing up for a vacation or work trip to Puerto Rico? Though it’s common practice to take our tech devices along when traveling, many travelers express concern about everything from safety to the availability of Wi-Fi during their time away. Here is some tech-related information to keep in mind as you prepare for an upcoming trip to Puerto Rico.

Cell Phone Coverage

Planning a trip to Puerto Rico requires extra attention to your cell phone plan. Puerto Rico may be outside your network’s coverage, so it’s important to research the details for getting service in this country before you arrive. According to frequent travelers, most major wireless operators provide service in Puerto Rico. U.S. wireless operators like ATT, Sprint, and Verizon offer roaming plans that work well in Puerto Rico. Google Fi charges no roaming in most global areas, including Puerto Rico.

The best way to prepare for international calling is to call your wireless provider ahead of time. Determine whether or not you’ll be able to receive and make calls while in Puerto Rico. At this time, be sure to check the exact rates as well.

Even if roaming is covered as part of your cell phone plan, it’s best to take additional steps to prepare for a worst-case scenario. Consider bringing along a GSM handset while traveling. This unlocked handset only requires a SIM card and will make it easy to send texts and make calls to local numbers when in Puerto Rico.

Connecting to Wi-Fi

It’s hard to travel these days without having access to Wi-Fi. Though many travelers have hotspots, their data may not always make it easy to access the Internet this way. Thankfully, a majority of the local restaurants, cafes, and bars in Puerto Rico have free Wi-Fi. If possible, try contacting local establishments ahead of time to ask them about Internet access. In most cases, you’ll discover that you will have an easy time accessing the Internet in popular places throughout the country.

When searching for free Wi-Fi, make sure you’re taking the necessary precautions to prevent hackers from gaining access to sensitive information. Best practices for using public Wi-Fi include avoiding using airdrop, not accessing sensitive information, using two-factor authentication, and watching out for Wi-Fi networks with suspicious names such as “free wifi”.

Helpful Websites

Puerto Rico is an incredible country filled with exciting activities like touring the bioluminescent Mosquito bar or visiting El Yunque National Rainforest. As you gear up for new adventures each day, make sure to plot an itinerary filled with stops for food, exciting cultural sites, and natural landmarks. Keep your schedule up-to-date with the help of sites like TripAdvisor to find the best activities for each day.

When using your computer to surf the web in Puerto Rico, make sure each website is safe to use by checking the URL. Keep in mind that a URL with https indicates the site is secured by an SSL certificate, which will help to keep you protected when visiting various websites.

For better site security, SSL cert is essential and you need to assess the site’s requirement. It can be either single domain, wildcard SSL brand like Comodo PositiveSSL Wildcard or any multi domain product from popular brands. All these SSL types offer same level of encryption with covering different domains requirement.

Data Protection

Few travelers give extra thought to protecting their data while on-the-go. While it’s essential to make sure your devices will function properly when in Puerto Rico, it’s just as important to take the necessary precautions to protect your devices when traveling. Experts recommend that travelers remove any sensitive data from their phones, laptops, or tablets when traveling. If you must access this sensitive data, it’s best to store this information on separate servers that you can access remotely through secure means like a VPN. The VPN will provide an encrypted and secure way to connect to your information remotely.

It’s best to set up the VPN before traveling. Download the VPN to your tablet, laptop, and smartphone. Follow the instructions for setting these up and open your VPN before connecting to a new server.

Powering Up

When visiting Puerto Rico, it isn’t likely you’ll be close to power outlets all the time. During the days when you’re traveling throughout the countryside, you’ll likely run out of juice on your mobile devices if you don’t prepare properly ahead of time. Bring extra power with you in the form of portable power banks. These chargers will make it easy to keep your devices at full power for as long as possible.

Before heading to Puerto Rico, make sure your back up battery packs are compatible with all your devices. This way, you won’t have to scramble to find a way to charge your mobile device when you need to.

Updating Passwords

Before traveling with technology, another practice to consider is using password managers. Password managers are secure applications that make it easier to manage and store your passwords for various services and devices. Sites like LastPass are ideal for keeping track of the many passwords you use for various sites without compromising your safety.

Puerto Rico is a beautiful place to visit! As you prepare to take a trip to Puerto Rico, make sure to take the necessary precautions to protect and prepare your tech as well. Keep this guide in mind as you get ready for your upcoming trip. If you need assistance with all your technology needs, BCA IT in Miami is a managed IT support company that can help you.

For helpful Puerto Rican travel advice, read on here!

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