Vieques Island Puerto Rico

green beach vieques island puerto rico

Vieques Island is part of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. It is part of an island group often referred to as the Spanish Virgin Islands. While the island was once used by the U.S. Armed Forces as a military target range, protests against it led to the departure of the Navy in 2003. The military land was reclaimed as a national wildlife refuge, some of which is now open to the public and Puerto Rico tourism. This wildlife refuge offers much needed sanctuary to many species of sea turtles, including…

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Culebra Island Puerto Rico

Flamenco Beach Culebra Puerto Rico

  Located 18 miles east of mainland Puerto Rico, Culebra Island is the epitome of a tropical paradise. Unlike many other Caribbean destinations, the island has no high rise hotels, casinos, or chain restaurants. Instead, the greatest attractions of the island are ones that nature created. With an area of roughly 25 square miles, Culebra has numerous natural areas and pristine locations to explore. A large portion of the island is a natural refuge, originally protected by Theodore Roosevelt in 1909 a nd now administered by the U.S. Fish and…

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The Arecibo Observatory – A Stunning Structure Worth Exploring

Contrary to what most people believe, an observatory is more than just a telescope, or a group of telescopes, that people use to observe the stars. In fact, an observatory provides astronomers with the equipment needed to perform functions they wouldn’t be able to as individuals. Central to modern observational astrophysics, an observatory provides the perfect space and opportunity for astronomers to make and evaluate discoveries. Where observatories are concerned, there’s no better observatory to carry this out than the Arecibo Observatory. Located on the island of Puerto Rico in…

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Top 6 Dietary Supplements for Youthful and Healthy Body

In the age of social media, everybody is trying to impress and no more so than when it comes to having a youthful and healthy body. In the summer months, Instagram is awash with photos of well-toned physiques and for the rest of the year images of healthy-looking skin are prevalent. So, how do you go about achieving this look? Well, one way is to exercise and get fit, and the other is to improve your diet so that your overall health improves. Whilst we all strive to have as…

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A Stay At Old San Juan In Puerto Rico

cruise ship old san juan

One of the most used departure ports for cruise ships in the Caribbean is San Juan in Puerto Rico. We decided to arrive a day early to San Juan in order to see some sights before our cruise ship departure. San Juan, known as ‘La Ciudad Amurallada’ (the walled city), was founded in 1521 and is the oldest city under the US flag. During the 16th century, the Spanish used it as a point of departure for expeditions to the New World. Fortifications in the Old San Juan section of…

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Health Benefits That Kayaking Can Give You


Water sports have been gaining huge popularity over the past few years. Not only are they fun and thrilling, but water sports like swimming, scuba diving, paddleboarding, rafting, boating, snorkeling, and kayaking also come with a plethora of health benefits for the individual. Now, among the mentioned water sports, kayaking is increasingly becoming more and more popular. The sport basically involves cruising on water in a small craft that fits one or two people at most while using a double-bladed paddle to navigate the waters. It is a bit different…

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6 Rockstar Tips for Moving To Puerto Rico

Old San Juan Balcones

Puerto Rico is a small island country in the Caribbean. It’s considered a U.S. territory; many Americans as well as travelers from all over the world visit Puerto Rico to experience a tropical paradise. Some people enjoy it so much that they want to move to the country to enjoy the beaches and rainforests for more than just a few weeks. A move requires preparation; these six tips can help any adventurer plan a new life in this beautiful island country. 1.Plan a Budget According to A-1 Auto Transport INC, moving to Puerto Rico…

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