Interesting Details You Should Know About The Most Popular Ride-Sharing Apps

Popular Ride-Sharing Apps

Ride-Sharing apps continue to be a popular way to get around while helping drivers make some extra money on the side. While the most popular ride-sharing apps are familiar to most, there are actually a number of companies getting in on the industry to help more people find carpools or taxi services in their cities and communities.

Here are some interesting details you might not know about the most popular ride-sharing apps around the world.


While many more apps have since followed in Uber’s footsteps, the San Francisco-based company remains the top dog when it comes to regular users. As of 2019, Uber boasted more than 100 million riders on their worldwide network. You may also not know that Uber comes in a variety of offerings including Uber X, which ensures you get a four-door vehicle, 15 years old or newer. Uber XL is a four-door vehicle with seven seats. Uber Select meanwhile ensures the user with a vehicle 2009 or newer with leather or vinyl interior and maintains drivers with 4.5 ratings or higher and the experience of at least 50 trips. Uber Black offers a vehicle that is five years or newer and driven by a certified driver. Finally, Uber Comfort makes sure to offer a vehicle with legroom and a driver with a 4.85 rating or higher and the experience of 250 trips.


While Uber is number one, Lyft is dogging their heels by becoming a favorite app in many major cities like New York and Los Angeles, as well as 12 major cities in Canada. However, unlike Uber which can see pricing jump unchecked during high-demand hours, Lyft caps their premiums at 400 percent.

While ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft have made 11 billion trips in the U.S since 2010, research as stated at has shown that those services and services like them can account for an approximate three percent increase in traffic fatalities since 2011 or nearly 1000 deaths per day due to the increasing number of ride-share vehicles on the roadways. Research has shown that an increasing number of ride-share accidents occur at drop-off and pick-up locations, and 90 percent of Uber crashes occur in urban areas. It’s important to remember that accidents are always a risk when you get out onto the road.


While a smaller player on the stage compared to major competitors like Lyft and Uber, the Israel-based app is still found in 100 cities across the globe and has actually partnered with Lyft to allow users to call a Lyft vehicle from the Gett app. Even more fair, is the pricing model which does not charge a premium during peak hours and has rather chosen to pay drivers a fair wage instead of giving drivers a percentage of the fare.


One popular ride-sharing service in Europe was built on the idea of getting into a conversation with a stranger. More than just another Uber clone, BlaBlaCar allows you to find drivers with similar itineraries as yourself and you can pick a profile that best suits you. The app has also been intentional about making traveling more enjoyable for women. Female drivers can allow their availability only viewable to other women, so female users can avoid male drivers if they want. Essentially, with a focus on creating a comfortable atmosphere, BlaBlaCar continues to build on its reputation for creating ride-sharing and carpooling as fun and enjoyable as possible by catering the drive to the user’s preferences. And if the user feels comfortable, they may be more likely to strike up that conversation with a stranger.


Another ride-sharing app that strives for comfort and that extra feeling of safety, ZimRide requires the user to be connected to a school or company in the U.S. Once you are deemed eligible and have created an account, you can search for drivers within your network and request to join them on a ride. You are also able to determine if you have Facebook friends in common with your driver so you have a better idea of who this person is. Because ZimRide doesn’t allow the general public to join, you have a better idea of who is on the network, while giving you that feeling of being a part of an exclusive club. At the same time, if you don’t meet the requirements of the service, you, unfortunately, can’t take advantage of the service.

Getting around a city or across the country has never been easier or more fun thanks to the great intersection of new technology and old-fashioned hitching a ride. You certainly don’t need to stick out your thumb on the side of the road anymore, you just need a phone and access to the Internet.

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