Back to Recipes Pasteles de Masa Pasteles are a beloved Puerto Rican dish made with a masa of grated green bananas or yuca, they're filled with a savory meat mixture (often pork or chicken) and wrapped in banana leaves. This combination creates a delightful blend of flavors and textures. Pasteles are typically enjoyed during holidays and special occasions, symbolizing tradition and family gatherings. Pasteles de Masa 4 lb carne de cerdo Sal 1/4 taza de aceite de achiote 10 hojas de Recao 1 cdta Orégano 1 pimiento verde – picado…
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Calle Fortaleza Old San Juan Puerto Rico
This past Christmas in Puerto Rico we stopped by Calle Fortaleza in Old San Juan
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Right after a quick stop at the Capitol building, we headed into Old San Juan to do a walking tour.
Read Morethe Capitol Building Old San Juan Puerto Rico
We went for a visit to Puerto Rico this past Christmas. Our first stop heading into Old San Juan was the Capitol Building for a few photos
Read MoreGive Handiwork this Christmas
Give Handiwork this Christmas Therefore, when we cannot find the perfect gift, we take the easy way out and head on over to our neighborhood department store for the infamous gift certificate. This is the effortless way that we solve our gift-giving problem year after year. Unfortunately, the whole idea of giving runs the risk of losing its true meaning. This could be equally frustrating for the person receiving our gift. Our Hispanic culture is so rich and diverse that it has produced all types of great artists who specialize…
Read MoreCoquito – Los Ponches de Navidad también tienen su historia
(CL) – Las navidades hispanas siempre se han caracterizado por ser alegres y sabrosas, por su buena música, deliciosas comidas y por sus originales y tradicionales bebidas. La cena de navidad en la que se une la familia y los seres queridos es una tradición que comienza antes de la era cristiana en Roma. No fue hasta el año 354, cuando el obispo romano Liberio estableció que la fecha oficial para celebrar la Navidad serÃa el 25 de diciembre. Es en esta época del año cuando sólo podemos disfrutar de…
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