Celebrating National Hiking Day in Puerto Rico

Pristine beaches, lush forests, and diverse wildlife are just some of the vistas to be enjoyed on the beautiful archipelago of Puerto Rico. The scenic terrain is prized by residents and visitors alike, inspiring physically and mentally fulfilling journeys into the great outdoors. This November 17th is Take a Hike Day, an awareness event devoted to the benefits of hiking. Beyond the clear advantages of healthy physical activity and time spent in nature, taking hikes offers opportunities for emotional, cognitive, and social growth for both children and adults. Hiking is…

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How to Deal with Injury Caused by Someone’s Carelessness

When it comes to dealing with an injury that was caused by another person’s carelessness, we can easily say that there aren’t many things worse than that. The frustration that comes with the whole situation, the stress, the trauma – both physical and emotional, all add up to an extremely tough scenario. But all of that being said – there are ways for you to recover from this, get better, overcome, and get compensated as well. All of that being said, to help you get to a better place more…

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Preparing Pregnant Women For Birth During Hurricane Season

After Hurricane Maria, many women in Puerto Rico lacked adequate access to prenatal care information about emergency delivery services, breastfeeding support, and nutritious food to support pregnancy or lactation. In fact, pregnant women’s exposure to hurricanes is associated with higher chances of a preterm birth largely due to stress and disrupted health services, a new study published in Environment International reveals. Premature births also increase risk of birth injury, which is often preventable. Teaching hurricane preparedness In a first for Puerto Rico, Carmen Zorrilla, an obstetrician at the island’s main…

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Four Great Gaming Gadgets You’ll Want to Get

If you are serious about having fun playing your favorite video games, you can enhance your experience by investing in various gadgets. Here are four great gaming gadgets that you are sure to want to get. Gaming Glasses Whether you enjoy playing video games on a console or playing online casino games like those at Casumo.com on your home PC, if you spend too long in front of a screen, you will stare at too much harmful blue light. However, there is a solution. You do not need to cut…

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Five Health and Beauty Tips for Those at Home

drink plenty of water

Health and beauty go hand-in-hand. Historically the most beautiful features again and again, through cultures around the world, has emulated good health. The specific trends might have changed, sure, but if you work on improving your health, skin, hair, and self naturally with a focus on your health you won’t look like anyone else; you’ll be your best looking self. It’s an empowering state to be in, and it works to improve your wellbeing on multiple fronts. Feeling and looking good is just a pleasant state to be in, and…

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What You Need for an Outdoor Adventure in Puerto Rico

What You Need for an Outdoor Adventure in Puerto Rico

One of the most exciting and local destinations for citizens of mainland USA, Puerto Rico is regarded as the perfect destination for adventurous singles, couples with a lust for the outdoors, and those looking for something a little off the beaten track for their next vacation. You might see only sandy beaches and crumbling colonial forts in the tourist information brochures for the island, but there’s actually so much more to it than those tourist hotspots. With jungles, rivers, lagoons, and waterfalls to explore, here’s what you need to pack…

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I Wore it With Pride from debut author John Lluvera

john lluvera i wore it with pride

This book is my true story. A story of a child born to an unemployed Puerto Rican musician and a feisty Puerto Rican woman who migrated to New York City in her early twenties (1946) from a small town in Puerto Rico called Fajardo. Dad was born in New York and spoke fluid English while mom spoke very little English. I was born in the inner city slums of New York City in the borough of Manhattan. This area for the local residents was known as Spanish Harlem or better…

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Education in Puerto Rico Compared to the United States

puerto rico education

If you have always wanted to know how much an education in other countries different is from the American system, now is your chance. Here, you can find a detailed guide on education in Puerto Rico and its similarities and differences when compared to an American one. Quick Overview In Puerto Rico, there are around 1,500 public schools and 500 private schools. Schools have two categories: rural and urban. The focus of the two categories may differ. About 411,000 students attend school yearly. Public school in Puerto Rico is free.…

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How to write a technical essay

how to write a technical essay

Writing a successful technical essay is connected to some important milestones, which altogether can lead you to a superior result. This article will help you see the differences from other essay types and give you a clear understanding of the technical essay structure. Let us begin with a standard definition of technical writing. In terms of this type of writing, the author’s goal is to write clearly about a particular topic. Technical writing includes such vital parts as direction, instruction, and explanation. Many students have to write technical essays occasionally.…

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Expert Tips for Babyproofing Your Home

There is no joy like that which a new baby brings to a family. The unique personality and bubbliness of every baby is truly contagious and lights up the lives of everyone around them. With all of this joy, however, come some real considerations that need to be made when it comes to the safety of the baby, particularly in your home. To help all the expectant parents create a safe environment for their new baby, here are our expert tips for babyproofing your home. 1. Install a Baby Monitor…

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