el día de las Máscaras Hatillo Puerto Rico

EL día 28 de diciembre, todos los años en Hatillo el día de las Máscaras, es una de las actividades tradicionales más emotivas de la Isla. Su colorido y festividad hacen de ello la celebración cumbre en la cultura de Puerto Rico. Se celebra en Hatillo desde su fundación en 1823. We were there this past December to witness this very colorful parade. this is Part 1 of our photos.

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3 Ways To Introduce Exquisite Traditional Cuisine To Your Non-Puerto Rican Friends

Puerto Rico is known for many things, including exquisite beaches, intriguing culture and scrumptious food. Puerto Rican food is, in fact, often described as being among the boldest and most varied cuisine in the world. Although these traditional dishes have become increasingly popular outside of their country of origin, there are still countless individuals who have not been fortunate enough to encounter these unique eats. While most people don’t to be asked twice before tucking into a plate of luscious fare, others may need a bit more convincing to eat…

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El Museo De Arte Ponce

One of the most exceptional art museums in the world can be found in Ponce, Puerto Rico. Museo de Arte Ponce is considered one of the best museums in the Americas and was the first museum in Puerto Rico to receive the American Alliance of Museums’ accreditation. Its permanent collection consists of thousands of works of art from Europe, Africa, America, and Puerto Rico spanning from 900 B.C. to the 20th century. The museum was founded by Luis A. Ferré, an industrialist, philanthropist, and governor of Puerto Rico from 1969…

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How Financial Planning Prepares you for Times Like This

Right now, things are feeling uncertain that’s for sure. The novel call COVID-19 is impacting our daily routines and lives, from parents not knowing if school are going to be open this month and if the procedures that they are taking are the correct ones to our workplaces. Not even the most knowledgeable economic forecast models couldn’t predict something like what just happened a couple of months ago. First and most the question is what can we do in a world that is changing the way our country is moving?…

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Serralles Castle Ponce Puerto Rico

Serralles Castle Ponce Puerto Rico

A highlight of any visit to Puerto Rico is a trip to Serralles Castle (Spanish: Castillo Serralles), a historic mansion located in the city of Ponce. Built in the 1930s, this stunning mansion has become one of the top attractions of the city. Today, it operates as a museum dedicated to the agricultural history of Puerto Rico. The Castle was built on the south side of Del Vigia hill two miles (3.2km) north of the center of Ponce Puerto Rico. Its location makes it visible from nearly every part of…

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Rincon Puerto Rico

Jobos Beach RIncon Puerto Rico

There is a surfer’s paradise on the northwest corner of Puerto Rico where the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean collide. There lies the city of Rincon, famous for its stunning beaches, surfable waves, and laid-back ambiance. While the area is a great spot to live and a popular vacation destination throughout the year, the city really comes to life during the November – April surfing season when surfers from all over the world converge on its beaches. Rincon Puerto Rico, named after 16th century landowner Don Gonzalo Rincon, gained…

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Rums of Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is called the “rum capital of the world” because of the long history of rum production on the island. Its rum distilleries produce large amounts of spirits for local consumption and export all over the world. This Caribbean island is responsible for more than 70% of the rum sold in the United States, which is consumed straight, over ice, or in mixed drinks like mojitos and pina coladas. So what makes the rums of Puerto Rico so special? Rum has been an integral part of the Puerto Rican…

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Viajar a Puerto Rico en tiempos de COVID-19

Viajar a Puerto Rico en tiempos de COVID-19 Por Lymarie Maymí El pasado 1 de Julio de 2020 el Gobierno de Puerto Rico implementó nuevas medidas restrictivas para viajar a Puerto Rico a toda persona que quiera visitar a la Isla del Encanto. La re-apertura al turismo internacional inició el 15 de julio de 2020 pero toda persona que visite Puerto Rico deberá seguir las siguientes medidas locales para poder contener la propagación del Covid-19: Llegada a la Isla Toda persona que desee visitar la isla debe tener una prueba…

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Old San Juan Puerto Rico

Old San Juan

Old San Juan is the most visited destination in Puerto Rico and one of the most popular places for tourists in the Caribbean. The city is known for its rich history, being the second oldest city established in the New World. The Puerto Rico tourism bureau cites interesting attractions, a wide variety of hotels, superb cuisine, and unique shops as reasons to visit the city. The city is actually an islet that is connected to the main island by three bridges located on the southeast corner. It is divided into…

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Puertorriquena!!! Who sleeps in the cradle of life? Whose canopy are those eternal star’s? Radiant queen standing fearless in a land of brave Lords Bearing passion in her soul And fire in the depths of her eyes Who is this sweet smelling flower in this garden of beauty? Puertorriqueña…. Water for parched lips in an arid tierra In a dry and scorched land searching for waters in your clear pristine beauty Where I Long to make my dwelling in the presence of your desires And drink from your fountains which…

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