Health Benefits Shown for Outdoor Vacations in Puerto Rico

There are over 1.4 million national and international visitors to national parks in Puerto Rico each year, proving just how rich the natural history of this island really is. This is great news for those looking to reap the health benefits of heading outdoors and enjoying a natural vacation. That’s right, it’s actually good for you and your health to enjoy the outdoors. Whether you take a cruise to begin your journey to a happier, healthier you or simply head out into one of the country’s national parks, forests or beaches, enjoying an outdoor vacation in Puerto Rico certainly has its health benefits.

Vacations in Green Spaces Increase Your Health

If you’re planning on taking advantage of one of Puerto Rico’s national parks, then you’re in luck. Studies show that living near or spending time in green spaces actually increases your health. Simply visiting a natural park such as El Yunque National Forest can increase your health, with studies showing that women who visited “greener areas had a 41% lower death rate for kidney disease, a 34% lower death rate for respiratory disease and a 13% lower death rate for cancer”. This makes planning a visit to natural, green spaces in Puerto Rico a great idea, especially if you can snag a deal at one of the island’s coveted log cabins or tropical treehouses.

Discover the Benefits of Mental Clarity

There’s no doubt that being surrounded by nature and being far away from the hustle and bustle of a big city like San Juan provide you with an opportunity to really clear your mind. Studies have actually shown that people experience a reduction in stress from being around greenery, and that counts as a mental effect that translates into physical benefits. Taking the time to declutter your mind can leave you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and even re-energized in order to take on life and responsibilities with more passion and enthusiasm. As an added benefit, engaging in outdoor adventures and heading into nature to de-stress is a great way to increase your overall health.

Naturally Boosting Your Health

Beautiful, natural settings abound in Puerto Rico and range from beachy retreats to rich, dense forest getaways. All of these outdoor options can provide you with space you need to heal your mind, body, and soul. Taking advantage of green spaces near or far from you is a great way to get outdoors and enjoy all that Mother Nature has to offer while also exploring different areas and activities you might not normally participate in.

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