The Scurvy Dog’s Puerto Rican Blog


Old San JuanI’m Roberto and I run a website, a blog dedicated to the exploration of Puerto Rico. Though my main focus is on the ‘rest of the island’, Old San Juan is still a favorite. I’ve featured it many times.

I don’t spend much effort talking about golf or health spas as those are already covered elsewhere.

My focus is on exploring the island’s culture and history with an emphasis on ‘low cost’ activities. Cheap is good, free is best! I have a ‘rating system’ based on that.

What’s more, while doing my original research, I found English language details hard to come by. Fortunately for me, my ‘better half’ speaks Spanish well. Printed travel guides will only take you so far and often restate the same errors over and over. Sugar cane has not been grown as a ‘cash crop’ in Puerto Rico for more than 20 years.

My first trip to PR was in August of 2009. Back then, I thought it would be fun to track my experiences with a travel blog. In that 5 week trip, I covered as much of the island as I could. I was also scouting for a place I might consider ‘retiring to’. During that visit, I met 3 different people from the mainland who came here on vacation and never left. That amazed me.

Rio Camuy Cave ParkNever in my wildest dreams, did I think I would ‘retire’ to Puerto Rico, but that is exactly what I did. Within 9 weeks of going home, I bundled up everything I owned and moved from Willow, Alaska to Coamo, PR on the south side of the island. Far away from the ‘hustle and bustle’ of San Juan. The pace is much more relaxed and the temps a little cooler, where we are.

My first passion is photography so my Blog serves as an outlet for that expression. Writing on the other hand, is hard work. Not something that comes naturally. The words serve to support the images. I also plug in some history from time to time to place things in perspective. My ‘other passion’ is graphic design so my site was built from scratch. Hence the pirate theme… ARRG! I even created my own topographically accurate map of Puerto Rico. A piece of art in its own right. A very large version of it hangs in a restaurant in Sarasota, Florida.

Yes, that’s me in the silly pirate outfit. I only ever wore it once…

There is a term ExPats use to describe their adopted homeland- ‘Paradise Tax’. “Life is not perfect, but the inconveniences that come with living here are worth it”. At least they are worth it to me. I like the fact that Puerto Rico a ‘little rough around the edges’. That ‘things get done, when things get done.’ I worked in commercial printing all my life so I’m done with punching a time clock. That said, PR is not for everybody.

Puerto Rico Mangos in the GardenMy ‘little’ travel blog has expanded steadily and now includes posts about my gardening experiences too. Never was much of a gardener, but that’s half the fun of living here. Ever had garden fresh, Mango, Papaya, Bananas, Lemons, Coconut, Passion Fruit or Caribbean Cherry? These were all new experiences for me. Now I’m working at adding even more. I’ve also planted 5 varieties of bamboo in addition to the local one.

If you like ‘YouTube’, there’s videos I shot from the road with a video camera mounted to the roof rack… zipping across the Puerto Rican countryside, avoiding other cars and the occasional pothole.
These photos are just a tiny sampling of the images featured over on my Website.
None of this even begins to explain the great food or great music of this very generous Caribbean culture. Wanna see what the rest of the island looks like? Then check out what we’ve been up to.
It’s now been 3 years… I’m still in awe of the place.

Thanx- Roberto, the Scurvy Dog o’ PR… ARRG!

“Life’s a trip.. Pack your bags, we got to go!”  RDW

The Scurvy Dog’s Puerto Rican Blog- 
Can be seen at:
Roberto’s Other Puerto Rican Website- 
Dedicated to the virtues of bamboo:

As well as Roberto’s Main Photo Site
Or check out Roberto’s Fine Art ‘Prints On-Demand’ at-
If I shot it, you can get a print of it here
Note: all photos on this page are Copyright e
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